1. The canvassing permit is a two week permit once approved. The applicant will be permitted to go door to door and place fliers or printed materials at the residence. The applicant can also put fliers or printed materials on parked vehicles in borough parking lots. The canvassing permit DOES NOT allow the applicant to knock on doors and solicit business from residents.

2. In the event the canvassing is to be conducted on behalf of a charitable or religious organization or society, the canvassing permit application shall be accompanied by a tax exemption certificate or other suitable documentation to establish that such charitable or religious organization or society is recognized as tax exempt under the United States Internal Revenue Code.

3. The fee for a canvassing permit is ten (10) dollars for every applicant.

Providing false information on this application is a Disorderly Persons Offense under N.J.S.A. 2C:21-3.b and is punishable with a fine of $1,000 and/or 6 months in jail, and a violation of The Oradell Borough Code, Chapter 180, 180-18 punishable with a fine of $500 and/or 3 months in jail.